Should soaring inflation and a plummeting stock market serve as warning signs something much more cataclysmic is coming?

According to a former Pent. Economic Advisor, the answer is “Yes.”
…I predict the 3rd Great Dollar Earthquake has started.
These currency upheavals happen about every 40 years.
The first was Roosevelt confiscating private gold in 1934…
The second was Nixon abandoning the gold standard in 1971…
Now, the new plan could pave the way for “retiring” the US dollar…”
This is why we think this is a must-see presentation for all Americans.
Already more than 6 intelligence agencies are preparing for a potential 80% DOW drop.
And Fox News just called the new dollar plan “a deeply troubling development.”
Sign up below to get access to his full documentary presentation, “The New Plan to Replace the Dollar in 2022” and learn the 5 steps you can take right now to prepare…
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