Several Wall Street analysts have recently become bullish on copper, predicting a potential price surge. Citi’s projections indicate that copper could experience a remarkable increase of almost 50% by 2025, reaching $12,000 per ton in their base case scenario. In a more optimistic bull case, prices could even double to $15,000 per ton. Similarly, Goldman Sachs forecasted a 25% upside in copper prices over the next 12 months, with a target of $11,000 per ton.
While current copper prices may seem subdued, analysts and financial institutions project a promising future for this versatile metal, prompting investors to consider seizing the potential buying opportunity it presents.
For anyone looking to buy into the sector, there is perhaps no better way to do so than through the strategy we’ll outline in today’s trade alert.
Global X Copper Miners ETF (COPX)
For anyone looking to buy into the sector, there is perhaps no better way to do so than through Global X Copper Miners ETF. COPX is the first ETF option for pure-play copper exposure in the equity space. The fund gets this exposure by tracking a market-cap-weighted index that offers broad equity exposure to the global copper mining industry. Although technically a global fund, it has strong North American exposure. The fund ranks companies according to their average daily trading volume with respect to its exchange over three months. The highest-ranked funds are included in the index. The index is rebalanced semi-annually.
Read Next – Bill Gates’ newest prediction could mint millionaires
Back in 1995, Bill Gates went on the David Letterman Show to speak about a new technology called “The Internet”…
But barely anybody listened…
In fact, he got laughed at by the audience and David Letterman himself…

It even turned Bill Gates into the world’s richest man…
And those who laughed at the Microsoft co-founder missed out.
Now in 2023, 28 years later, Bill Gates is sounding the alarm about a new technology…
I’m talking about a world-changing innovation that Elon Musk just rolled out…
Gates says this technology “will change the world”…
And he’s putting his money where his mouth is…
His company, Microsoft, has just invested $10 Billion into this tech…
Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, and Ray Dalio have also poured large amounts of capital into it…
Because the returns are expected to be massive.
Now, are you going to laugh at Bill Gates like David Letterman and his audience did in 1995?
Or will you take him seriously?
Don’t miss out.
Click here to see all the details about this tech.
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