Three of the world’s richest investors have already seen what’s coming and have piled $25 billion into one corner of the market to prepare… Here’s how to join them.
Hi, I’m Chris Rowe. And today I want to tell you about something I believe will be the biggest financial story in America by the end of 2021…
Yet right now, almost no one is talking about it.
In short, President Biden is about to cause an enormous sea of economic change to our country.
And I believe that 98% of Americans have no clue what’s coming in the near future.
Now before you get the wrong idea…
This message isn’t a political statement…
It’s simply about money.
Because even though what I’m referring to will happen due to politics.
And the most radical Democrats are in charge of the most powerful country on Earth…
Where they continue to threaten every American’s freedom of speech…
By April 30th, President Biden’s far left agenda is set to unintentionally trigger what I believe is the greatest wealth opportunity of this coming decade…
One that could bless the pockets of everyday investors all over the country.
I understand that most Americans are scared for the future of our nation.
You may be one of them…
But here’s the important thing that most people don’t know…
While the mainstream media continues to divide the “political narrative”…
Millions of Americans, democrat, republican, or libertarion…are completely unaware that Biden’s far left agenda is set to trigger a rare wealth opportunity in a small corner of the stock market…
One that… Yahoo Finance published,And as an American investor, it’s your right to have access to this breakthrough information…
Because, the few who act on it could profit in a big way because of it.
And it all comes down to the very policies that President Biden and the radical left are going to put in place by April 30th.
Unfortunately, most will be left out…
But those who position themselves before April 30th will have the opportunity to make a lot of money.
Now, before I reveal all the details…
It’s important to note that this message has nothing to do with Biden’s radical plans to issue the greatest tax hike in history…

Create medicare for all…

Completely cancel student debt…

Or even Kamala Hariss’s slave reparations that would cost upwards of $51 Trillion while tripling our national debt.
Instead there’s something much bigger in the works…
A political plan that will catapult an industry to new highs… while at the same time, causing a buying frenzy in a certain corner of the markets.
In fact, a few of the 1% have already seen what’s happening and are piling billions of dollars into this corner as we speak…
Including Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s commander and chief, who just raised the stakes by investing $10 billion dollars.
As well as Billionaire and media mogul Mike Bloomberg whose already invested over $1 billion…
Even the Oracle of Omaha himself, Warren Buffet has committed $15 billion of his money towards it.
And like I said, it all boils down to one executive order Biden is planning to sign no later than April 30th..
One that will cause certain stocks to absolutely go haywire.

And according to InvestmentNews, one that:

Bloomberg is even estimating the impact of what Biden is planning to hit $2.6 Trillion in individual investments this decade…
Creating a once in a lifetime opportunity for everyday investors all over the country.

Which is why Business Insider says,
And if you know what to do, you could not only watch this radical left plan ripple the markets…
But you could also turn the tables and potentially see a small stake transform into a family fortune.
Like I said earlier, most Americans don’t know what’s truly going on.
And I can’t blame you for being in the dark.
After all, our biased media is still too busy reporting on deaths caused by Covid-19…
While trying to convince everyone and their dog that Trump was the worst thing to ever happen to our country…
As well as trying to confuse everyone with their propaganda to persuade us into accepting socialism.

It’s why Jim Cegielski of Leader call wrote an article titled,
To which I definitely don’t disagree…
But while the far left media and it’s deep state owners have been busy using propaganda to distract Americans…
Biden has been meeting with his democratic colleagues behind the scenes to issue a specific plan within his first 100 days as President…
That means it will be in full effect no later than April 30th.
And it will have drastic implications on a certain corner of the market. Marketwatch calls,
Which is why I want to give you all the details of what’s truly going on behind the scenes…
Because if you hesitate and hold the bag for just a day or two…
It might be too late.

I’m going to tell you all about this opportunity that CNBC calls,
And more important…
I’m going to show you how you can position yourself for the beginning of the…
The Most Lucrative Megatrend of the Decade

Think Amazon during the rise of internet stocks in the 1990s…

Google leading the charge in software during the 2000’s

Or Facebook during the birth of social media in 2009…
This could be the one opportunity that could take a small $5,000 account and turn it into $250,000… $370,550… and even $583,350!
But only if you act fast.
And let me remind you I’m not making some kind of political statement.
This isn’t about politics.
It’s about Money… $2,000,000,000,000 to be more precise.
But before I reveal how you can take advantage of what’s about to happen…
Let me fully introduce myself.
Again, my name is Chris Rowe…
Twenty years ago, I was a high-powered wall street investor in New York City.
But even though I quickly gained wealth, authority, and influence…
Something didn’t feel right to me.
I wanted to be someone who helps everyday folks make money for themselves… not someone who just makes all their money from investors.
So, I walked away from a promising career in the early 2000s to do what really inspires me: helping people just like you reach financial independence.
I wanted to reach folks who live on Main Street – not Wall Street – just like my family and friends. …the people who make up the true backbone of America.
That’s why I started my company, True Market Insiders…
I did this to get my message out and help educate as many investors as possible.
And that’s why I’ve dedicated the rest of my life to giving back to everyday investors after becoming a millionaire on wall street at the age of 25.
I’m not telling you that to brag… only to show you that when it comes to spotting early stage investment opportunities, I’ve been around the block more than a few times.
But you know what?
None of what I’ve told you matters if you don’t give people the chance to make money.
That’s exactly what I do…
Over the years, I’ve prided myself on giving ordinary folks the chance to get in on life changing trends before mainstream investors get there…
I told folks about Advanced Micro Devices, a company that specializes in making semiconductor devices used in computer processing.

If you had held on to my initial recommendation, you would’ve made 681% on your money.

I showed folks how to get in early on Teladoc Health, which has soared to 480% had you held on to my original recommendation.
I told readers about an online furniture company called Wayfair who I believed would revolutionize the way people bought furniture…

Folks who held on to my initial recommendation of Wayfair had the chance to see incredible 620% gains.
When I was a wall street trader, I was one of the first to uncover a radical new company called Amazon… when it was trading for under $50 a share…

Today it’s trading for $3,256 dollars.
That’s 6,412% higher than when I first recommended it…
And while opportunities like these could have been very lucrative for the folks who’ve followed my work…
I believe the opportunity in front of us today is as big as any other opportunity I’ve seen in my 25 year career.
You see, my secret sauce is specializing in finding winning stocks BEFORE they appeared on most investors radar…
It’s because of explosive opportunities like the one I’m telling you today that I was able to retire a millionaire at the age of 25.
So regardless of how you feel about Biden and our current political situation…
If you’re like me and you like money…
Then you should pay close attention…
Because there’s literally about to be…
Trillions of dollars up for grabs anytime before April 30th…

You see, unless you’ve been living under a rock, I”m sure you’ve noticed that Biden has made “climate change” his number one focus in 2021.
He even went as far as calling it the:
“Number one issue facing humanity.”
And he’s proposed a plan titled: “The Biden Plan For A Clean Energy Revolution” that will spend $2 trillion on clean energy in the near future.
Just to put that number in perspective, that’s more than the GDP of Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Ukraine, and Argentina combined.

He’s also put together his very own “Climate Crisis Army” to make certain this “Clean Energy Revolution” will happen.

An army Biden has referred to as:

And now that the democrats have full control of the White House and the Senate…
And Janet Yellen, the Former Fed Chairman, as the new Treasury Secretary…

Who is widely known for spending out the wazoo…
There will be nothing stopping the democrats from passing policies that will grease the wheels for this clean energy boom to race ahead like never before.

For instance, one of his main priorities with climate change is to make America carbon neutral by 2050.

The starting point of his plan is simple…

According to BBC News,

And because of this, The Wall Street Journal reported,
This explains why wall street is already starting to move trillions of dollars into clean energy stocks.
And get this, because of this massive trend taking place…
77% of institutional investors admitted that they will stop buying non-renewable stocks entirely by 2022.
That means you might want to think twice about having stocks that rely on oil in your portfolio.
You see, with the Democrats in full control, even wall street sees that this trend is here to stay and that it’s not going anywhere.
I hope you understand how big of a deal this is…
Because just recently, right after Biden became President…
Many “green” stocks exploded…
And because of my expertise and my ability to spot these opportunities BEFORE they appear on most investors radar…
My readers and I were able to see lucrative returns on trades like:

Enphase Energy: 369% gain …

QCLN: 210% gain…

Plug Power: 1,185% gain…

WKHS: 1,078% gain…

And even, NIO: 1,242% gain…
Enough to completely transform a small $5,000 investment into an incredible $67,100 payday!
Keep in mind, these aren’t hypothetical examples…
My readers had the opportunity to get into these trades and make a lot of money in a short amount of time.
And thanks to the policies that the Biden Presidency is about to put in place in his first 100 days in the White House…
Which means no later than April 30th…
The gains are about to get much bigger.
That’s why I’m talking to you today…
And that’s why in just a moment I’ll show you how you can position yourself into my top “Green” picks that are set to explode in 2021…
Stocks my research shows will be at the forefront of this “green revolution.”
But before I reveal all of the details…
I want you to fully understand the potential here.
And to do that, you need to go back in time to see how history always repeats itself…
Four Presidents = Four Wealth Opportunities
For the past thirty years…
Each president that has been inaugurated has ended up causing certain explosions in different areas of the stock market…
And it all had to do with the government policies they passed while in office…
For example, in the early 1990s, the World Wide Web was introduced to the world.
And foreign governments began to jump on the technology bandwagon…
Including the Japanese Government who committed to invest over $120 billion by 1995 to develop a digital broadband communication infrastructure called the Information Network System…
But since foreign governments started to get involved…
The American Government wanted to jump on board and issue its own spending plan…

Which is exactly what President Bill Clinton did his first year in office when he issued the “Technology Policy For America” and said,
And hence, the beginning of the Tech Boom was born.
Over the course of Bill Clinton’s Presidency and his federal spending plan…
An explosion was triggered in the technology sector that led to returns like…

JDS Uniphase Corp, the telecom equipment maker, that saw incredible returns up to 28,894%…

EMC Corp, the data storage software and equipment maker, which skyrocketed up to returns of 29,975.8…

America Online (the nostalgic AOL) that exploded 70,626% in price…

And even the tech behemoth Dell Computers decade leading 91,863% rise in price…
Pretty amazing right?
But it doesn’t stop there…
The trend continues…
Because we can see the same thing when George W. issued his “New Generation of American Innovation” agenda in 2004…
Which committed 1.2 billion of federal spending on hydrogen fuel and boosted the energy sector to see companies like…

XTO Energy skyrocket up to 3,461%…
As well as Southwestern Energy Co who also experienced incredible returns up to 3,823.39%…

Enough to turn another small $5,000 investment into $196,169.50…
Or $10,000 into a whopping $392,339!
Pretty incredible right?
This is the power of federal spending…
And right after Bush did it…

President Obama took his turn while spending up to $940 Billion to introduce Obamacare to the country.
And once it was put into effect on January 1st, 2014…

Biotech stocks took off and in just one year saw a series of phenomenal returns like:
Again, that’s one years worth of about 20 different opportunities in the same sector where you could have had the chance to double, triple, or even quadruple your money…
And this was only possible because of the extensive federal spending on Obamacare.
Then starting in 2016, when it was President’s Trump’s time to swear his oath as President…
He decided to switch gears and put the government’s federal spending focus on winning the 5G race…

And spent over $1.3 Trillion on infrastructure.
Which again resulted in a stock market boom in the tech sector and on companies such as…

Power storm Holdings Inc. that shot up 2,890%
Where a small account of $5,000 would’ve turned into $149,500…

Somerset Transition Corp that skyrocketed 4,900%
That would have turned $5,000 into a $250,000 return…

And Galaxy Generation Inc. that shot up 8,580% off it’s involvement with 5G…
Enough to turn $5,000 into an astounding $434,000 in less than a year!
That’s 2.5x more than the average 401(k) balance at retirement.
Just think of those who were fortunate enough to spot these different opportunities and take advantage of them…
That’s the kind of opportunity I’m telling you about today…
Because all it took was one big decision from the man in the Oval Office, and one decision to embark on a whole new world to profit from…
And now that Biden is in the driver’s seat as the 46th President of the United States…
History is Repeating Itself
However, this next stock market boom that is set to mint fortunes is not about technology…
Nor Healthcare…
But simply, Green Energy…
And the trigger of this boom lies in the implementation of a $2 Trillion dollar investment from Biden’s liberal administration I mentioned earlier.
He’s essentially writing blank checks to companies that are in the clean energy industry.
This tidal wave of money will only give the companies in the alternative energy sector more room to run in 2021…
Even though it’s already seen huge strides over the last few years with companies like…

Sunrun’s Inc.’s 1,814.68% returns…

Tesla’s 2,813.01% returns…

And even Enphase Energy’s incredible 19,284.1% performance leading the way…
Enough to transform a $5,000 investment into a $969,205 nest egg…
Or a $10,000 investment into $1,938,410 fortune in a little less than 5 years.
Just imagine the feeling of the adrenaline rush and stress free relief an investment like that would be to you and your family…
And even though most investors missed out on these kinds of returns…
You’ll be happy to know that 2021 is just the beginning…
Which is exactly why Oilprice says,
“The Renewable Energy Boom Will Restart In 2021”
Simply put, what we are about to see has the potential to become a blessing to everyday investors all over the country…
And it’s why everyone on Wall Street is raving about the potential returns this federal spending will create in the green energy market…

Just take a look at what the Wall Street Journal wrote,

And even Reuters reported…
So you see? The fat cats and the big wigs in the game already see what’s bound to happen…
And with the new administration’s federal spending plan to focus on “Green Energy”…
And the impact it’s shown in the markets during the Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump Presidencies…
Biden’s plan is setting up a critical opportunity for you…
Because experts are saying, investors who are looking at green energy may be looking at a ton of upside in returns…

Just take a look at how energy stocks have absolutely skyrocketed over the last year compared to Big Oil…

This is the very reason why the World Economic Forum says,

And the New York Times reports,
Keep in mind, this is only the beginning…
And certain stocks have already started seeing impressive returns for everyday investors.
Just like NIO did when I recommended it to my readers right after Biden became president…

And watched it reap 1,242% returns…
Enough to completely transform a small $5,000 investment into an incredible $67,100 payday…
While almost doubling the average annual salary of working Americans!
Look I have no idea what you are doing with your money but if you were to look at your retirement statement or investment accounts right now…
Would they be anything like these kinds of returns?
That’s why I want to stress how important this is for you and to realize what’s at stake.
I really hope you see what’s possible here… Because I’ve built my whole career on recognizing opportunities like these that had led me to millions in profits.

Like when I bought Qualcomm during the dot com boom and made a 2,600% gain in under 12 months.

And Tasr which gained 7,500% in under a year’s time…
Like I showed you today, the momentum is already rapidly building up for green energy stocks…
And according to my projections those who position themselves in a few key stocks could make a fortune in the coming days and months…
But keep in mind, the longer you wait, the more money you are leaving on the table.
One Executive Order Before April 30th could catapult certain stocks into the stratosphere.
Now obviously I can’t predict the future and tell you the exact time or day this will be implemented…
But for almost two years, Joe Biden has been telling Americans what he plans to do in his first year as the nation’s 46th president…
The first step in the green energy process he announced was rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement…

Which he did on his very first day as President.
The second, was injecting $2 Trillion into green energy to fight climate change.
And he stated that he would have this done within his first 100 days.
That means this will happen no later than April 30th.

Just as S&P Global says,

While Climate Advisors quote,
You see, just one Executive Order could have the same effect on the stock market as the four other presidents before Biden..
In fact, it would be going against history if it didn’t happen.
It’s important to know this because timing in these lucrative opportunities is critical.
And right now, as a Wall Street Insider, I’m urging you to act fast…
Because if you hesitate and don’t take action quick enough…
You could miss out on this initial burst of momentum that has made me millions of dollars over the years.
Just waiting a few weeks to invest in a massive trend could end up costing you literally tens of thousands of dollars in just two years.
Again, take Tesla for example…

If someone had invested a small $5,000 into Tesla in November of 2019, they would have $71,850 today.
That’s more than most households in America make in a single year.
But if they had just waited two months later…
Just sixty days…
They would only have $32,850.
Now $32,850 is nothing to be disappointed about, especially with such a short term investment…
But by waiting just two months, they would have missed out on an extra $39,000 they could have earned.
And like I said earlier, I don’t know your specific situation…
But if you want to have the chance to see the biggest gains…
You need to take action now.
Like I showed you earlier, a green energy focused economy is here to stay.
There’s nothing anyone or anything can do to change that with democrats in charge of the White House and the Senate.
And green energy stocks are already on the move…
SunPower Corp. 228.72%…
Ballard Power Systems up 225.91%…
Solaredge Technologies up 235.60%…
Bloom Energy Corp. up 283.67%
Vivint Solar is up 493%…
Plug Power is up 973%…
And NIO is up 1,111%…
But you need to understand, with Biden’s sole focus on climate control in his first 100 days as President, this is just the beginning.
I mean just sit back and think about the many opportunities of amazing stocks you have watched soar to new heights while saying to yourself…
“I knew about that stock way before everyone was talking about it, and I let it slip right through my fingers…”
As a professional investor from wall street, I can tell you it’s the worst feeling.
But wouldn’t it be much better if just a few months from now you hear your family and loved ones telling you…
“I can’t believe you knew about and invested in that stock so early on.”
That’s why I want to give you instant access to the exclusive research in my new investment dossier called:
“The Biden Boom: 3 Stocks Set To Skyrocket In The Green Economy”
Honestly, I have no doubt that anyone could see a decent return with a few Green Stocks in their portfolio…
But I’m 100% confident you could see exponentially groundbreaking returns with these top 3 stocks my research shows are expected to explode as Biden makes Green Energy his #1 priority in office.
With this list of my top stocks, I fully believe you could potentially make $100,000 or more in this sector over time.
In fact, the first company on my list will play a major role in Biden’s plan for a green economy.
Like I said earlier, that President Biden has pledged to move the US to a zero-carbon emissions nation by 2050…
Which means the democrats will be on an absolute tear to create policies that hurt certain industries like coal and oil…

Even CNBC published this article which reads:
So when this happens, wall street investors will be forced to pull their money out of oil investments and into renewable fuel companies.
Causing certain stocks to absolutely explode.
And I’ve identified a small stock that I believe will be the most lucrative way to play this seismic shift.
It’s positioned to lead the charge on renewable fuel.
In just the last few months, this company has already gone up 89%…
Meaning there’s a ton of room for it to explode even higher…
And I fully expect it to shoot to the moon, under President Biden’s first year in office.
But that’s just one of the massive opportunities that lay waiting for you.
Another one on my list is a company that I believe is set to soar higher as solar energy becomes the new norm.
As Biden’s policies are passed… we will start to see a massive amount of electricity created from solar energy.
I know, I know, that just 5 years ago solar energy looked like nothing but a pipedream from the left wing democrats.
Get this, in 2015, the value of the solar energy market worldwide was $86 billion.

But now with Biden in the white house, and the democrats in control of the senate…Experts are predicting it will hit $422 billion in just the next 12 months.
And the second stock on my list, is poised to lead the charge of this huge trend.
The majority of this solar company’s business is conducted in blue democrat states…
Which will only help the stock as the democrats continue to pass legislation and spend trillions of dollars to embrace green energy in their home states.
Since Biden got elected, it has already doubled in price…

And I expect it to explode more than 1,000% over the next 12 months.
I’ve put all the details in a special investment dossier titled: “The Biden Boom: 3 Stocks Set To Skyrocket In The Green Economy.”
It will tell you everything you need to know so you can buy the three stocks in just a few minutes.
And position yourself to profit during this massive “Biden Boom” we are about to experience.
I’m thrilled to get this into your hands today.
But I’m not going to stop there.
I Want to Let You In On My Top Research and Trade Recommendations
You see, before I became a millionaire on wall street by the age of 25… before I became a wall street insider and became close friends with some of the most powerful people in the world…
I was just a 17 year old kid, fresh outta high school, trying to start my career on wall street.
And I wouldn’t be talking to you today if it weren’t for my mentor.
You see, when I first started trading, I had studied every book and training material about investing that I could get my hands on.
I was determined I was going to be successful and create the kind of life most could only dream about.
But it wasn’t until my mentor took me under his wing, that I started to achieve the success I was looking for.
Instead of just hanging me out to dry, my mentor taught me some key lessons.
Lessons that helped me become one of the top traders at my firm in my early twenties.
And lessons that added with a ton of hard work and perseverance…
Helped me walk away from my job on wall street well over a decade ago and move myself and my family to the beach in Florida just like I always wanted.
And now, it’s my turn to give back.
I want to help you build generational wealth.
Which is why I started a new venture a couple years ago.
A research service called…
Sector Focus
My mission in Sector Focus is simple: To help you grow your wealth as quickly as possible.
To do this, I personally spend multiple six figures every year on stock market data that tells me which sectors of the market wall street and institutions are piling their money into.
Once I discover which sector is performing the best…
I then single out the strongest stocks and ETFs with the most explosive upside…
And my recommendations have been paying off big time.
Here’s just a snapshot of some of the stocks I recommended in Sector Focus recently…

301% from Jinko Solar…

374% from Iridium Communications…

646% from Advanced Micro Devices Inc…

And a massive 824% from Kirkland Lake Gold…
These are real trades that my readers had the opportunity to cash out of in just the last several months.
Take A Look At What Some of My Readers Are Saying:
“I’ve been around Chris for many years and this is absolutely the best. Love the (sector-focused) approach… the lightbulb has finally gone on. Right now making gobs of money!” – Blaze
“Chris did a great job teaching me about the ‘real’ market. I have doubled my 401k holdings in 5 years. I couldn’t have done it without Chris.” -John S.
I’m humbled that my work is already helping many everyday folks protect and grow their wealth.
And I’m confident it could help you do the same.
Just like it did for John W., John says:
“Having lost my job in January, I paid some of my end of service money into my trading account and have doubled that value in one month. I am so grateful to Chris.” -John W.
Bez wrote in to say:
“I want to thank you for all the great advice you have given me over the years. My wife and I have retired comfortably, travel and enjoy life. Thank you for the great advice over the years.” -Bez Bezuidenhout
And look at what Jay has been able to do since he found me…
“I love this service. I have made more money in a shorter time than I thought possible. I have made $79,600. Year to date.” -Jay W.
Can you imagine how much of an impact these kinds of returns could be for your financial future?
Now, I’m sure you’ve heard people make claims like that before…
And unfortunately, most hold no weight or proof to the claims they are making.
But what I’ve just shown you has already made a huge financial impact to these few investors…
Meaning it’s a real reality for them!
So what makes you think it couldn’t be a real reality for you?
You see, with the opportunities I’m willing to share with you immediately…
You’ll have the chance to turn a small bit of money into a potential fortune in the coming days, weeks, and months.
Again, I’ll send you all the details once you join my world class research service “Sector Focus”.
Ok, so real quick here’s the full rundown of everything you get when you become a premium subscriber of Sector Focus today…
Specifically, you will have…
- An Average of TEN Sector Focus Trades Every Month – I don’t know of a research service anywhere that gives this many profit opportunities. On average, you’ll get ten trade opportunities per month – most of the time even more than that.
- Exclusive Market and Sector Analysis – Each week you’ll hear from me and my team as we break down what’s happening in the markets and reveal which sectors are about to skyrocket.
- “Featured Sector of the Month Video” – Typically released the first week of each month, we’ll let you know where we believe we will see the biggest market moves each month. You’ll typically get a handful of stocks, ETFs and even an options play or two in this video alone.
- 24/7 Access to the Members-Only-Site – When you log-in to the True Market Insiders site, you’ll get instant access to the private members area. Your Sector Focus portal gives you fast, easy access to everything you need to build a fortune in the stock market.
- Dedicated customer service team: If you ever have a question about your membership, my customer care team is ready to take your call. They’ll guide you through whatever you need.
Just like my readers, who I just shared their testimonials with you…
I truly believe that access to my Sector Focus research service will set you on a path to your retirement dreams.
Now I want to be clear.
This is privileged access that I didn’t even give to my millionaire clients when I was working on wall street.
But the moment you subscribe to Sector Focus, you will get all of this…
Full, unfiltered access to me, my research, and all my wealth generating tools.
This could help ease your worries about another stock market crash wiping out 40% of your portfolio… which is what happened to millions of people just last year.
You will no longer have to settle for tiny returns from your financial advisor who is only concerned about making money for himself.
And you will no longer have to second guess your decisions because the media is clouding your view of the markets.
Time is of the essence!
As I mentioned, President Biden has promised that he will make climate change his number one priority in his first 100 days in office.
And the $2 trillion he is planning to spend on green energy could spark a massive explosion in certain green energy stocks.
I believe it’s going to make a lot of “in the know” people very rich.
You could be one of them.
Again, my report, “The Biden Boom: 3 Stocks Set To Skyrocket In The Green Economy” can be yours absolutely free to keep for life once you subscribe to my research service.
Helping you achieve financial freedom is my mission. It brings me a crazy amount of joy to help others achieve their financial dreams.
Which is why I’m not charging $1,500 for an annual subscription fee… or even $500… or even $100.
I’ve lowered the annual subscription fee down to $49 … that’s only .13 cents a day!
That’s just enough to cover my overhead costs.
In other words, I won’t make a single dollar when you join Sector Focus today.
And that’s ok with me.
I didn’t create Sector Focus to make money.
I created it to help people achieve their financial goals so they can spend their life doing what matters most.
Now I know we just met, so you might be unsure about joining Sector Focus right now.
And I don’t want anything keeping you from your shot at these massive gains.
That’s why I’m going to remove any doubt you might have about joining me in the next couple minutes.
I’m going to give you a 30 day 110% Satisfaction Guarantee.To be perfectly clear…
I want you to take the next 30 days to review everything Sector Focus has to offer… my weekly trade recommendations, my sector focus video of the month, my U.S. based customer service, literally everything.
And if you’re not absolutely thrilled with what me and my research have to offer…. Simply call my team. They will rush you an immediate full refund of your $49 membership fee.
Plus, you can keep your free copy of “The Biden Boom: 3 Stocks Set To Skyrocket In The Green Economy.”
I’m placing all the risk on myself.
It doesn’t get any easier and risk free than that.
And I’m not going to stop there…
When you order in the next 15 minutes, I’m going to rush you an additional report free of charge.
It’s called… “The Five Stocks Set To Skyrocket In A Post-Covid Economy.”
As you’ve noticed, every year, the innovations unlocked by technology seem to appear faster and faster.
But the recent coronavirus pandemic has added fuel to the fire of technological advances in a way we’ve never seen before.
Throughout history, major disruptions always cause revealing opportunities for technology to advance faster…
But the last several months we just experienced forced America as a whole to advance faster than we’ve ever had to move.
For example, videoconferencing went from being a barely used function of communication to an everyday necessity for most companies…

As a result, stocks like Zoom exploded up to 706.84% in just a few months time.
So with many more technological advances happening at lightning speed, I’ve pinpointed five companies that are going to be game changers in this new post covid economy.
The one at the very top of my list is a company trading for well under $10.
And I truly believe in a few years, investors will look back and compare it to Apple and Netflix.

Because this tiny company just landed a deal with Amazon to implement voice command technology into millions of cars over the next few years…
You better believe this is a big deal.
I wouldn’t be shocked at all if this stock rose 100% in just the next 12 months alone.
But this isn’t the only game changing company I’ve identified…
I’ve also spotted four more companies that are on the verge of skyrocketing over the next year or so.
All the details are included in your second FREE report… “The Five Stocks Set To Skyrocket In A Post-Covid Economy.”
Again, this report and “The Biden Boom: 3 Stocks Set To Skyrocket In The Green Economy” are yours absolutely FREE… to keep forever… when you join Sector Focus today.Just click on the button below to get started.
Thank you so much for viewing this important briefing.
I sincerely hope you’ll take me up on this offer.I’m confident that joining Sector Focus is the best financial decision you’ll ever make.
That’s because I believe that green energy is about to explode unlike any other sector we’ve ever seen… and I want you to be among the few who get in now before it’s too late to see the biggest gains.
And it all starts with the three green energy stocks I believe are going to lead the charge.
But you need to act fast.
The speed that this opportunity is moving at will pass by those who even hesitate.
By the end of President Biden’s first 100 days in office… which is April 30th… it will be too late to see the biggest returns.
Just click on the button below to get started.
This once in a lifetime opportunity is yours for the taking.
I urge you to take advantage of it today.
I look forward to having you onboard.
Chris Rowe
Founder and CEO of True Market Insiders